Hi all,
I am delighted to let you know that the DLO finished the AHU service earlier than planned. Consequently the lab will be open for business as normal tomorrow.
Have an excellent evening.
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk
Hi all,
Here is the link to sign up for the GGRiP meeting 18-20th April in Cambridge… https://www.minersoc.org/ggrip-2023.html<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.miner…>
Also please can we have as many people as possible come on Friday at 15.30 to clean the lab after the AHU shutdown.
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk
Hi all,
Just a reminder about the lab meeting tomorrow morning at 10am. We will be in 2.38 main.
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk
Hi all,
Next lab meeting will be Monday 6th March at 10am. I’ll send out the room info when confirmed.
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk
Hi all,
Please be advised that this works program will take the clean labs and instruments offline for the 9th and 10th March. During this time no access will be permitted to the lab complex.
Sorry for the short notice. I have only just been made aware.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Anthony Oldroyd <Oldroyd(a)cardiff.ac.uk>
Subject: Main Building South Roof Shutdown from 6th March for Air Handling Unit checks
Date: 14 February 2023 at 11:47:40 GMT
To: DG EARTH Technical Staff <dg.earth.earthtechnicalstaff(a)cardiff.ac.uk>
Cc: DG EARTH All Staff <dg.earth.allstaff(a)cardiff.ac.uk>, DG EARTH All PHDs <dg.earth.allphds(a)cardiff.ac.uk>, Maram Almolliyeh <AlmolliyehM1(a)cardiff.ac.uk>, Sivachidambaram Sadasivam <SadasivamS(a)cardiff.ac.uk>
Estates need to do safety checks on the air handling units from 6th March according to the schedule attached.
This means not using the fume cupboards on the days the units are checked. So, please look at the schedule to see when your lab is affected so as not to plan any fume cupboard work on those days.
Any problems, please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Anthony Oldroyd BSc (Hons) CChem MRSC Anthony Oldroyd BSc (Hons) CChem MRSC
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Ysgol Gwyddorau’r Ddaear a’r Amgylchedd
Cardiff University Prifysgol Caerdydd
Main Building Prif Adeilad
Cardiff Caerdydd
CF10 3AT CF10 3AT
Tel. +44(0)2920875092, +44(0)2920875059 Ffôn : +44(0)2920875092, +44(0)2920875059
E-mail: Oldroyd(a)cardiff.ac.uk<mailto:Oldroyd@cardiff.ac.uk> E-bost : Oldroyd(a)cardiff.ac.uk<mailto:Oldroyd@cardiff.ac.uk>
Dear all,
Thanks for those that attended this morning. For those that didn’t and you use the labs then you must go through the attached HF acid awareness powerpoint immediately. Everyone who has attending this training this morning or gone through the powerpoint in their own time must then date the “HF awareness course” on the teams training log (https://cf.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/teams/CELTIC/Shared%20Documents/Training/CE…)
For those that are users of HF in the lab you must ensure you have an in date tube of HF antidote gel and some clean gloves to keep at home. If you do not have one then please ask myself or Lizan and we can issue you with one. All HF users must also read the Schools HF policy document and date this in the training log. This can be found on teams under General -> Files.
If you require a refresher of you 1:1 HF user training then please let me know.
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk
Hi all,
Please can you make an effort to attend the lab meeting this morning (10am in 2.38 main) as I need to go through the new HF acid awareness course which is mandatory for all lab users (regardless of if you use HF acid).
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk
Dear all,
Now I’m back and the lab is up and running again I want to get the lab meetings going. We will meet next Tuesday 14th at 10am. I’ll send out location details when the room booking is confirmed.
Please can you all attend as I need to go through the revised HF protocol. ALL lab users (regardless of if you use HF or not) need to have this training so please attend so I don’t have to deliver it multiple times :)
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk
Dear all,
I need to remind you about the schools policy on access to the labs. Core hours (Monday to Friday 08.30-16.30) must be respected and no access outside of these hours is permitted to the chemistry rooms. Under some circumstances access to the instrument rooms is possible outside of these times but permission must be requested from myself. These rules are made clear as part of the lab induction that everyone undergoes. Failure to comply with these (and other safety rules) will ultimately result in your access being revoked.
If anyone has any issues with this or it will interfere with your workflow then please come and discuss with me.
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk
Hi all,
Please be aware that the iCAP RQs and 7600 OES will be offline for some of next week as they are having their annual PM visit. The engineers will work to the following schedule:
iCAP RQ solution: offline mon & tues
iCAP 7600 OES: offline mon & tues
iCAP RQ laser: offline wed & thurs
Dr. Edward Inglis
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University