Hi all,

A reminder we will meet at 11am in large chemistry lecture theatre 1.123 which is accessed through the doors at the opposite side of the carpark to EARTH. It's the same place we have the CELTIC lunch before xmas.


Dr. Edward Inglis

Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT

Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise@cardiff.ac.uk


Begin forwarded message:

From: <InglisE@cardiff.ac.uk>
Subject: Lab meeting tomorrow
Date: 3 February 2025 at 09:08:37 GMT
To: <celticelement@mailman.cardiff.ac.uk>
Cc: Sarah Lambart <LambartS1@cardiff.ac.uk>, Loren Tessier <loren.tessier@get.omp.eu>

Hi all,

Just as a reminder we will meet for our lab meeting tomorrow at 11am but this week we will be in large chemistry lecture theatre 1.123.

We will have a talk to start from Loren Tessier who is visiting Morten from GET in Toulouse. The title of her talk will be Experimental determination of ‘stable’ uranium isotope fractionations during the early diagenesis of ferruginous sediments.'

Please invite any colleagues who may be interested in U isotopes and or ferruginous sediments. 


Dr. Edward Inglis 
School of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University