Hi all,

Note estates need roof access to replace fan units in the 13th, 14th and 15th Dec.

This will take 1.21 out of action for those dates. Everything downstairs in our facility (both instruments and clean labs) will be unaffected and can be used as normal.



Dr. Edward Inglis

Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT

Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise@cardiff.ac.uk

Begin forwarded message:

From: Anthony Oldroyd <Oldroyd@cardiff.ac.uk>
Subject: Southeast fume cupboard shutdown from 12th to 15th December
Date: 4 December 2023 at 15:06:53 GMT
To: DG EARTH Technical Staff <dg.earth.earthtechnicalstaff@cardiff.ac.uk>
Cc: DG EARTH All Staff <dg.earth.allstaff@cardiff.ac.uk>, DG EARTH All PHDs <dg.earth.allphds@cardiff.ac.uk>

Estates and contractors need to access the Southeast section of the roof from 12th to 15th December as fume cupboard fans are being replaced.
Please see schedule attached for the labs affected on which dates.
So, FC`s 311, 312 & 318 need to be isolated and out of use on 12th, 13th ,14th & 15th Dec. (Total 4Days).
All other labs in that area to be made safe and out of use for 13th,14th & 15th (Total 3 Days).  
Please let me know if there are any problems with this.
Thank you,
Anthony Oldroyd BSc (Hons) CChem MRSC                            Anthony Oldroyd BSc (Hons) CChem MRSC
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences                           Ysgol Gwyddorau’r Ddaear a’r Amgylchedd
Cardiff University                                                                                Prifysgol Caerdydd
Main Building                                                                                        Prif Adeilad
Cardiff                                                                                                      Caerdydd
CF10 3AT                                                                                                  CF10 3AT
Tel. +44(0)2920875092, +44(0)2920875059                                 Ffôn : +44(0)2920875092, +44(0)2920875059
E-mail: Oldroyd@cardiff.ac.uk                                        E-bost : Oldroyd@cardiff.ac.uk