Hi all,
As we begin to see some semblance of summer now I need to remind you all about the mandatory PPE for working in the lab.
It is a requirement to wear full length trousers and socks in the lab. Under no circumstances should you enter the lab (aka go beyond the step over) unless you are wearing full length trousers and socks. This means
no shorts, skirts, 3/4 lengths, dresses, kilts, etc etc.
If you are working in the instrument rooms you must wear your blue lab coat and in the chemistry rooms opt for your white lab coat. For all liquid handling you must wear gloves, tyvek sleeve guards and safety glasses. Additional PPE for HF is detailed
in the risk assessment for procedures using HF.
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise@cardiff.ac.uk