Dear all,

You may or may not have received the below communication from the university regarding the building closures on the 2nd, 3rd and week beginning 6th Jan. I spoke with our HoS this morning and she is also in the dark regarding this but it has little implication for CELTIC as we the labs will remain fully closed until the 13th January 2025.

During this time there will be no access to the chemistry rooms or to the instruments. 


Dr. Edward Inglis

Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT

Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326


Begin forwarded message:

From: Jennifer Pike <>
Subject: FW: Important information on building closures over the Christmas break | Gwybodaeth bwysig am gau adeiladau yn ystod gwyliau’r Nadolig
Date: 13 December 2024 at 15:33:30 GMT
To: DG EARTH All Staff <>, DG EARTH All PHDs <>

Hello everyone
And yes, this is the first time that I have seen this, too!
Main Building hosts the Science Library and thus my understanding is that it will be open on 2nd-3rd January, as planned.  I cannot confirm that there will be heating in the rest of the building.
If you are able to reorganise your activities to work from home on 2nd-3rd and in the week beginning 6th January, as requested, please do so.  We will cancel Staff forum on 8th January – there will be little more to update on after this week’s Forum, anyway.  I will be in touch with others that I have meetings with.  If you have concerns about the building opening with respect to your activities, or you have a specific need to be in the building during extended closure (not the planned closure), please do discuss these with John next week.
Best wishes; Dymuniadau gorau 
Jennifer Pike (hi/ei)
Pennaeth Ysgol
Jennifer Pike (she/her)
Head of School
Ysgol Gwyddorau'r Ddaear a'r Amgylchedd
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Prifysgol Caerdydd
Cardiff University
Prif Adeilad, Plas-y-Parc
Main Building, Park Place
Caerdydd, CF10 3AT
Cardiff, CF10 3AT
Cymru, DU
Wales, UK
Ffôn:  +44 (0)29 2087 5181
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Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd yn elusen gofrestredig. Rhif 1136855
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From: Cardiff University | Prifysgol Caerdydd <>
Sent: 13 December 2024 13:31
To: Jennifer Pike <>
Subject: Important information on building closures over the Christmas break | Gwybodaeth bwysig am gau adeiladau yn ystod gwyliau’r Nadolig
Cardiff University

Important information on building closures over the Christmas break

13 December 2024


Dear colleague, 

Over the Christmas break we’ve an opportunity to save money on energy costs. You may have already seen and pledged to save energy through our Christmas switch off

To make further savings, and to minimise the impact on staff and students, we’ve made the decision to extend building closures, for most of our buildings, to 6 January 2025. 


The following buildings will continue to open on 2 January: 

We’d also ask that where possible you consider working from home until Monday 13 January. We are confident that this will have minimal impact on staff and students and will maximise our cost savings.  

This does not mean that the University is closed. If you need or want to work on campus you can. Please speak with your line manager in the first instance so arrangements can be made. 

Read information on building access and the practical things you need to know about the Christmas closure period, including how to access wellbeing support.

Visit the student intranet for information on how students can access support and services remotely over the break.


Cardiff University is a member of the Russell Group of Universities and a registered charity No. 1136855

Copyright © Cardiff University

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Gwybodaeth bwysig am gau adeiladau yn ystod gwyliau’r Nadolig

13 Rhagfyr 2024


Annwyl gydweithiwr,

Yn ystod gwyliau’r Nadolig mae gennyn ni gyfle i arbed arian ar gostau ynni. Efallai eich bod eisoes wedi gweld ein cynllun Diffodd y Nadolig ac wedi addo arbed ynni.

Er mwyn gwneud rhagor o arbedion, ac i leihau'r effaith ar staff a myfyrwyr, rydyn ni wedi penderfynu ymestyn y cyfnod y bydd y rhan fwyaf o'n hadeiladau ar gau tan 6 Ionawr 2025.


Bydd yr adeiladau canlynol yn parhau i agor ar 2 Ionawr:

Dyma hefyd ofyn i chi ystyried gweithio gartref tan ddydd Llun 13 Ionawr lle bo hynny'n bosibl. Rydyn ni’n hyderus na fydd hyn yn cael effaith fawr ar staff a myfyrwyr a bydd yn ein helpu i wneud y mwyaf o'n harbedion ar gostau ynni. 

Nid yw hyn yn golygu bod y Brifysgol ar gau. Os ydych chi angen neu eisiau gweithio ar y campws, gallwch chi. Siaradwch â'ch rheolwr llinell yn y lle cyntaf fel bod modd i chi wneud trefniadau.

Darllenwch yr wybodaeth am ddefnyddio adeiladau yn ystod y gwyliau a'r pethau ymarferol y mae angen i chi wybod am gyfnod cau'r Nadolig, gan gynnwys sut i gael gafael ar gymorth lles.

Ewch i fewnrwyd y myfyrwyr i gael gwybod sut y gall myfyrwyr gael cymorth a defnyddio gwas o bell dros y gwyliau.


Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd yn un o Brifysgolion Grŵp Russell ac yn elusen gofrestredig, rhif: 1136855

Hawlfraint © Prifysgol Caerdydd

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