Estates need to do safety checks on the air handling units from 6th March according to the schedule attached.
This means not using the fume cupboards on the days the units are checked. So, please look at the schedule to see when your lab is affected so as not to plan any fume cupboard work on
those days.
Any problems, please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Anthony Oldroyd BSc (Hons) CChem MRSC Anthony Oldroyd BSc (Hons) CChem MRSC
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Ysgol Gwyddorau’r Ddaear a’r Amgylchedd
Cardiff University Prifysgol
Main Building Prif
Cardiff Caerdydd
CF10 3AT CF10 3AT
Tel. +44(0)2920875092, +44(0)2920875059 Ffôn : +44(0)2920875092,