Hi all,
Just a quick update about the Neoma which is shortly arriving in the lab. The mass spec will be delivered from Thermo HQ on the 25th (coming Monday) and be stored at ground level before being craned down into the basement and wheeled into the lab on the 2nd April. The install engineers will be on site from the 8th April for roughly 1 month. This one is a little more involved than the triton as the instrument comes as 3 large modules which must be assembled in situ.
During this period most of my time will be taken up working with the engineers so I won’t be readily available. Sofyia will continue to support with some of the operational things like purchasing and day to day running of the clean labs.
Some of you may have seen that the 193 laser has now been removed from the lab and the 8900 moved to its new location. The 8900 will remain out of service for a while until some new fittings arrive for the extraction. The Nu will be quasi-operational but any requests to use it must go through me, Morten or Marc.
Please try and not use the lab on the 2nd April unless it is urgent as there will be quite a lot of disruption to access as we move the Neoma through the building and into the lab.
I know this is a period of yet more disruption but this represents a significant investment in our capabilities as a lab and we are one of the few facilities in the world with such infrastructure :)
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk
Hi all,
I need to remind you about the review procedure for the risk assessments in the lab. Typically each user (you) must review the risk assessment for the procedures you do in the lab on a 3 year basis if they are deemed low risk and annually if they are high risk. We have three procedures in the lab which are high risk and these are 1) Sample dissolution using HF acid, 2) Hf isotope chemistry and 3) U/Th chemistry. All of these involve the use of HF acid hence why they are deemed high risk. All of the other procedures do not use HF acid so can be considered lower risk. I have streamlined the risk assessments so now only the RAs for those three high risk procedures mention HF acid. If you are dissolving silicates for say Pb chemistry then consider the dissolution as one procedure and the chemistry as a second procedure both with their own respective risk assessments.
Because I have updated the chemistry risk assessments can all of you involved in doing any of the chemistry procedures in the lab please go now and reread the appropriate risk assessment for the work you are doing (Clean labs and chemistry<https://cf.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/teams/CELTIC/Shared%20Documents/General/Ris…>) and update the training record.
Some of our longer term users also need to reread RAs for the instruments because the 3 years has now passed since you last did this.
If anyone has any questions then please get in touch.
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk
Hi all,
Just to let you know that both Lindsey and I will not be here next Monday and Tuesday. Consequently nobody is to do any HF work on Monday and Tuesday. Sofyia will be here both days and Marc is around on Monday - give them a shout if you need help with anything :).
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk
Hi all,
Just a reminder that we will meet this morning at 11am in 1.58main. It was planned to recap your HF awareness training but I need to postpone this until I attend a course next week. Please still attend the meeting so we can discuss what’s going on in the labs at the moment.
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk
Hi all,
We need to refresh your HF awareness training on an annual basis. The easiest way to do this is en masse at the lab meeting next week.
Please can everybody attend next Tuesday at 11am in 1.58 main.
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk
Dear all,
Just to let you know all the work on the AHU was completed on Friday so the lab is operational as normal from this morning.
Dr. Edward Inglis
Office 2.26A
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cardiff University
Main Building, Park Place
CF10 3AT
Office: +44 (0)29 2087 79469
Lab: +44 (0)29 2087 74326
Email: inglise(a)cardiff.ac.uk